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Dental Services


Implants can be used to replace a missing tooth without affecting the neighboring teeth. Implants not only replace the tooth but also preserve bone in the area. A surgeon places a titanium implant where the tooth root used to be and then a crown (artificial tooth) is placed on top of it.


Having your teeth cleaned regularly is necessary to prevent gum disease. Cleanings can vary from a quick and easy polish to deep periodontal scaling with a local anesthetic. We assess your needs first and let you know what they are so that you can decide what the right option is for you.


A checkup includes a screening exam for your jaw joint (called the “temporomandibular joint” or TMJ), an assessment of the soft tissues in your mouth, gum measurements (periodontal probing) as required, radiographs (X-rays) if necessary, and a thorough examination of every tooth and restoration. You will be informed of our findings, and if any treatment is necessary, we’ll recommend options and discuss them with you before proceeding.


Fillings are done to remove a cavity from a tooth or to repair a broken tooth. Fillings can be done using gold, amalgam (a metal alloy), or most commonly using tooth-colored composite resins. We’re happy to discuss which option is right for your situation.

White Fillings

There are several types of white fillings, from small, preventative resins that don't require freezing to ceramic inlays and onlays.  Most commonly, white fillings are directly-placed composite resins which are put in place during a single visit to the dentist's office.

Laser dental care

Soft tissue laser therapy is used for the treatment of cankers and oral ulcers. We can perform these small, soft tissue surgeries easily with the laser.


Before we extract a tooth, we make sure that this is the right solution, and we carefully assess the tooth with a radiograph (X-ray) before proceeding. Most extractions can be performed in-office with a local anesthetic. We can also refer you to an oral surgeon for a complicated extraction.

Root canals

A deep cavity, tooth decay, a broken tooth caused by trauma, or problems from an old filling are instances that call for a root canal. We will eliminate infection and cavities, restoring your tooth so it can process food and have a natural look again.


A bridge replaces a missing tooth or teeth by attaching artificial teeth (called "pontics") to crowns on the adjacent teeth.  Bridges are not removable, but are permanently bonded in place.

Crowns (Caps)

If a tooth has been heavily filled or broken, it can be restored with a crown. A crown replaces the outer structure of the tooth with gold or ceramic, but the tooth is still your own.

Night guards

Clenching or grinding your teeth at night can cause damage to the teeth, sore muscles and headaches. A night guard is a removable appliance that protects the teeth and helps relax the muscles involved to provide relief.

Sports guards

A custom-made sports guard will protect your teeth and jaw during contact sports. We make an impression of your teeth and then use that to create a thin (approximately 5mm thick) rubber appliance that fits precisely over the teeth.

Inlays and onlays

Teeth that need large fillings are often better restored with an inlay or an onlay. Inlays and onlays are made on impressions of the teeth and allow ceramics to be used for a stronger, tooth-colored restoration. Inlays and onlays require two visits: one to prepare the tooth and take an impression and a second visit a week later to bond it in place.

Periodontal treatment for gum disease

If gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis) is present, it can be treated with deep cleanings until it resolves. In severe cases, surgery may be required to help rebuild the gums.


Teeth can be safely whitened with a gel placed into trays that are custom fit to your teeth. We first take impressions of the teeth in order to make a very thin (approximately 1 mm thick) rubber tray that fits precisely to the teeth. Once at home, you apply the gel inside the trays and wear them over your teeth for about 30 minutes at a time. In this way, you can whiten your teeth to your desired shade.


Using white filling material to change the contour or appearance of the front teeth is sometimes called bonding. It’s a cost-effective and minimally invasive way to improve the appearance of your front teeth.


Dental sealants are easy to apply, painless, and keep cavities away. They are a thin and protective coating applied to the back of the teeth (usually the molars) and provide up to three years of protection.


Veneers are porcelain facings that are bonded to front teeth to change their appearance (shape or color). Veneers require some reduction of the tooth first and then impressions are taken for a dental lab to construct the veneers. The veneers are then bonded to the teeth at a later appointment.

Services for children

Regular exams, radiographs (X-rays), cleanings, fluoride and sealants are all part of a complete program to prevent dental problems before they start and get your child's teeth started on a path to lifetime oral health.